Contact us

We practice sustainability at the farm. Crop rotation, use of drip irrigation and re-using the flower water each week are some of the ways we are being kind to the earth.

We have two harvest boxes available for this coming 2019 season as of May 19th. If interested please email Lorrie at and leave me a note. I will send you information. 18 weeks of fresh produce, herbs, berries and tree fruits when they are in season along with a weekly bouquet of beautiful flowers for $500.
We do have just flower subscriptions available.
A Full Flower Share is 18 weeks of gorgeous bouquets for $230 or a Half Share, every other week for a total of 9 weeks of flowers for $115.
Please email Lorrie at if you are interested.

Pick up would be on Tuesdays between 4:00 - 6:00 pm at Shady Maple Farm, 8005 Portland Rd. N.E. Salem, Oregon. Our season lasts from May 28 to September 24, 2019.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week 17 Apples, Prunes, Grapes

Lisa made a wonderfully delicious
apple pie for us today. Awesome.

Enticing slice of pie.
Mouth watering...

Volunteer corn growing next to
the asparagus bed. Prolific, many ears per stalk.

Rose up close.

Roses and statice.

Cosmos. So cheery.

White gladiola. Lavender down the throat.

Reddish-orange gladiola. Male and female flower parts showing. The stripes help pollinators know where to head for their nectar snack.

Multicolored and ruffled gladiola.
Pleasing to the eye.

Purple and white statice with a two toned rose. Very showy.

Bumble bee on the white dahlia. "Where's my snack?"

Apples, Asian pears, Brooks prunes. 

Large and heavy Asian pears. These store well.

Some type of apple.
Wish we knew which kind. Bummer.
We sprayed twice for apple scab, some still appeared. It was an organic spray. We will be more diligent next spring. Spray is applied before the trees flower out over a period of weeks.

She likes grapes, too.
The shirt says it all.

Mmmmm. Yummy.

Medium and large red tomatoes.

Orange Wellington (round ones)
and Pineapple tomatoes.

A Pineapple tomato awaits "the knife".

Beautiful on the inside.
It is segmented like a cross cut pineapple.

The coloring is wonderful. So is the taste.
Bite sized for the taste testing crew.
They voted "YES" they liked them.
These look great sliced on a pizza.

First grape harvest. 3-4 kinds in each bag.

Top to bottom:
Sun Sugar, Yellow Pear, Mexico Midget.

A cart full of delicious things. Cantaloupe  watermelon, zucchini, tomatoes, patty pan, cucumbers,
beans, yellow straight necked squash.
She can't quite make the cart move. Maybe next year.

Like very large Romas, these "Pear Goliath" are dense
with less juice than most large tomatoes.
Great for salsas and sauces.

Lemon cucs, white eggplant, slicing cucs, tomatoes, straight necked summer squash and a cantaloupe.
Broccoli hides in the top left corner.

Green zebra tomatoes have a kick.
A couple of zucs share the box.

The rinds of the cantaloupe look different.
They are two varieties.

A balancing act of cantaloupe and watermelon.

Brooks prunes.
I wish their season was longer. Yum.

"All Blue",  "Red Pontiac",
and "Yukon Gold" potatoes.

Anna's lunch for us today.
We are so spoiled.
Who needs the spoon in the other hand?
Up close, strips of basil, multicolored tomatoes,
cheese, olives. Oh my gosh. Yumminess.

Tomatillos. Purple and green ones.
Cut up and make salsa.

Oregon State University's new tomato. "Indigo Rose".
Serrano peppers. Hot.

Chili peppers. Hot.

Hungarian wax peppers. Hot.

Chocolate bell peppers. Not hot.

Jalapeno peppers. Hot.

Dahlias, not hot!!!

Week 16

"Mom, let me come pick!"
(She hasn't figured out climbing just yet.)

"Please MOM!" As she jumps up and down.

sweet corn.

"Golden Jubilee"
sweet corn.

"Honey and Cream"
sweet corn.

Corn awaits boxing. 

This zucchini is almost waist high!

Weight lifting, zucchini style.

Florencio digs and washes the root crops. 
Such beautiful carrots.

Hat's off, phone is on, she plays a kidlet
game out in the tomato field. 
Amusement everywhere.

A new variety this year "Ananas Noire" tomato. These are ripe.

A wagonful of gladiolas (glads).
So many colors.

Zinnias growing out in the field.
Bi-color glads.

Love zinnias.

Glads are so regal.

Wheelbarrow full of color.

Skeleton and his sister
along for the ride.

Florencio picked the radishes. 
Cherubs await a trip to the field.

Yummy, a radish followed by grapes.

Pink, pinker, pinkest zinnias.
My fav.

The first watermelon taste testing has begun.

A few "empty" rinds. Returning tasters!

So many beautiful zinnias.
I couldn't decide which pictures to
put in and which to take out.
So here you go.
A plethora of zinnia photos.

And the last one (for this blog...).

And now on to large tomatoes. Many are heirlooms.

Ripe Ananas Noire tomatoes. So very big.

She wanted to rearrange that one. :)

"Look how tall I am!"