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We practice sustainability at the farm. Crop rotation, use of drip irrigation and re-using the flower water each week are some of the ways we are being kind to the earth.

We have two harvest boxes available for this coming 2019 season as of May 19th. If interested please email Lorrie at and leave me a note. I will send you information. 18 weeks of fresh produce, herbs, berries and tree fruits when they are in season along with a weekly bouquet of beautiful flowers for $500.
We do have just flower subscriptions available.
A Full Flower Share is 18 weeks of gorgeous bouquets for $230 or a Half Share, every other week for a total of 9 weeks of flowers for $115.
Please email Lorrie at if you are interested.

Pick up would be on Tuesdays between 4:00 - 6:00 pm at Shady Maple Farm, 8005 Portland Rd. N.E. Salem, Oregon. Our season lasts from May 28 to September 24, 2019.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pretty flower seeds, asparagus and walking about the gardens

The red calyxes of this hibiscus plant are used in teas. After reading up on these beauties, the entire plant seems to be edible. Very interesting! Also grows up to 5 feet tall.

These are new to us this year. They are pretty, too.

Seeds of all different sizes, shapes, and colors today. These are fluffy looking. The little pale ends would get caught in animal fur and the animal would help spread the seeds around. Now for humans... our socks might do the same thing.

Eggplant seeds up close and personal.

The Rosita eggplant are a rosey hue. Another new seed for us to grow. You could Google Baker Creek seeds at and check them our. Pretty.

A pretty orange flower. Go Beavers!

Green cauliflower anyone? I suppose I should be equitable and say "Go Ducks".

Purple cauliflower. We have grown this one before and it is VERY tender. Mmmmm.

Florencio cut some of the first asparagus just now.

Angie and Florencio love to eat it right out of the field. Me too! So fresh and crunchy. Delicious.

Florencio preparing a bed for carrots. Colorful carrots will be planted in the raised bed so they might grow without running into rocks or hard packed soil.

Across the top flap of this carrot seed packet it states what is in their "Rainbow Mix" of carrots. Excited to see how they turn out.

A baby purple kohlrabi has sprouted. So cute.

This is a LARGE tomato that starts out small like all the rest.

Sweet Annie seeds are like dust. So small and difficult try and plant one in a cell. They will grow up to 6 feet tall. They smell wonderful and will go into flower arrangements or wreaths in the fall.

Purple asparagus from seed. It doesn't appear to have a very good germination rate. Not many coming up at the moment. Hopefully more will germinate.

Expanding our herbs. Marjoram and sage for the boxes later this summer. The poppies are dark purple. Excited to see how they transplant out. Poppies don't like to be bothered so great care is taken to get them in their outdoor locations.

The sun is getting low and two sections of the right hand raised bed is planted with carrots. The left wooden cold frames protect seedlings as they make their way from greenhouse to the outside. Tender plants from the greenhouse need to be "hardened off" and gotten used to the elements before they are planted in the ground. These wooden boxes protect the young plants from wind and keeps their temperature a little more constant than just out in the field.

Rows of carrots lined up in these two boxes. Now if the slugs, ants and birds will leave them alone when they sprout.

Fruit trees are blooming in the orchard. 

Blueberries are starting to bloom, too.

The field is almost dry enough to plow. Early this year.

The buds of the various grapes are starting to swell. Leaves and tiny grape clusters will show soon.

The grapes and blueberries have drip irrigation on them. Some of these grapes are very old. The gnarly lower portion is 20-30 years old on some of these grapes. 

Some blueberry blossoms are dark pink like this. Some varieties have lighter colored blossoms. 

Marionberry canes are twisted around each other to act as more support for their trellis system. Then the long canes are gently wound around the double wires. A few leaves are starting to show.

Shorter grapes trellised a bit differently.

This may be the oldest grape vine on the farm. Such a thick trunk.

A different row of Marionberries has more leaves showing.

These are the fig trees. Whitish bark and a different growth habit set them off.

Fortunate to get a photo of our resident hummingbird. He has a distinct call that always catches my attention.

He didn't like me getting any closer to him and decided to take off. This is with a zoom lens.

Mt. Hood through the white blueberry blossoms.

Another day at the farm. Ahhhh.