The contents of today's harvest box. Each box receives one bouquet each week. We like to show case two to balance out the photos. |
Some people bring their own cool containers to take their items home in. Isn't this a neat basket? |
One of Lisa's gorgeous bouquets today. |
Early in the day Leslie and Terry pick and wash the winter squash. Here are pie pumpkins, delicata squash, Red Kuri winter squash and butternut squash. Thanks ladies. |
Carol and Dennis pick the short cherry tomatoes. Thanks guys! |
Angie is out in the field picking peppers. Our trusty golf cart comes in very handy. |
A beautiful combination of cherry tomatoes. Carol and Dennis did a great job. |
These are large carrots. Crunchy and sweet, too. |
Every now and then there is a yellow or red carrot in this mix. |
Quite the cart full of carrots. |
The red ones are golden on the inside. |
A collection of clear yellow sunflowers. Aren't the green centers stunning? |
Table full of squash to select from and take home. Winter squash will store well under the right temperature and humidity. |
Taste treats of cowboy candy and fig jam to go with cream cheese and crackers. Also pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting and jalapeno and sweet pepper poppers in the back. Yum. |
Anna and her son have a giggle moment on this sunny late afternoon. He is standing up on a "log" stool to make him taller. |