Anna made Marionberry cobbler, individual sized, for our lunch dessert today. And then topped it off with ice cream. Wow. |
This was a wonderful surprise after a great lunch. |
A zucchini fritter up close and personal. Yellow and green zucchini. |
There were only three left when I got there with the camera. So tasty. If you haven't had one, google a recipe and you will love them! |
Delicious pasta salad. |
The first figs. We discovered we love these a few years ago. Fig jam made now could become the middle of fig newtons in the winter. A wonderful thing to look forward to. |
Shiny Waldoberries. |
Waldoberries in their boxes. |
Slightly longer and not as shiny Siskiyou berries. |
One of my favorites, Boysenberries. |
And our prolific blueberries. |
Bryan and Grams bundle kale while Alex, Angie and Terry discuss the next thing to pick. |
Bulb fennel. |
Bundled sage. |
A kale bouquet. |
Dahlias. Wow. This one is crazy!. |
Some of today's summer squash pickings. |
Blue and white Pin Cushion flowers. |
Blue Echinops, an ornamental thistle, with the beautiful snapdragons. |
These white dahlias set off the crocosmia that are almost glowing. |
One of our new dahlias this year, Lemon Kiss. Such a clear yellow. |
Lilies closed, slightly open and wide open. |
Blue Russian sage, white didiscus, yellow calla lily, scented geranium leaves and yellow centered feverfew (they look like little buttons to me). |
White lilies, red snapdragons and a dark pink didiscus. |
Terry and Grams sort different varieties of peas. |
Lettuce just came out of the soaking cold water to drip dry. |
Alex trims a bit off the bottom of some of the lettuce. You might notice the scratches on Alex's left ankle. Occasionally blackberries grab at ankles, today they got her good. |
The filled boxes in the potting shed. Lemon grass and bulb fennel add height to the boxes today. |
Oh the lilies this year! |
Today's contents. |
A close up of the berries. 4 different varieties of berries today along with the first apples, Gravensteins. |
Hens are laying and apples are tart! |
Today's list. |
The zinnias are starting to bloom. Lisa checks out their progress. |
At the north end of the zinnias are the sunflowers. |
One of Angie's beautiful signs. |
More lilies to open. Pale pink ones on the far side and the very tall ones are glowing in the late afternoon sunshine. |
Bright pink lilies with lots more buds to open. |
And one last lily photo for this blog. See you next time on the blog. Lorrie |