Plants are thriving in the greenhouse.These are tomato and pepper plants. |
Rhubarb we started from seed. Growing right along. |
A 50 cell flat of lettuce. 10 seeds of 5 different varieties of romaine and leaf lettuce in this flat. The red variety is called "Outredgeous" and only two seeds germinated. :( |
The first basil has made its way into the raised bed in the greenhouse. Basil likes a warm/hot environment and will grow here all summer. |
More of the purple asparagus has germinated. Quite a few of the 197 we seeded have come up. Excited to plant them out later in the spring. |
The red celery is showing its true colors. It will be interesting to see what it will taste like. |
The green celery is holding its own too. |
Asparagus is popping up in the new raised be Florencio built up around them. |
The blueberry bushes in the foreground are beginning to flower. The electric company needed somewhere to dump a bunch of chips this winter. They became mulch under the blueberries. |
These are the greenhouse tomatoes. We started them in January and they are growing up their stakes in their healthy, vibrant green color. |
A fragrant dianthus blooming in its 4 inch pot in the greenhouse. |
Tulips and daffodils bloom near the row of roses in the foreground. |
Pretty columbine nods in the herb garden. Mom loved columbine and tried to have every variety possible. |
This is lovage, a very large plant related to celery. It will get taller than us and is edible. |
A flowing bed of Star of Bethlehem greets us as we stroll past the lathe house which provides shade in the heat of summer. |
Our family farmhouse near the gardens. |
Pink and white bleeding heart. Another sign of spring. |
The large and very old King apple tree near the greenhouses is blooming its head off! |
A tight peony bud. |
I love the stripes of these variegated irises. |
Our very large lavender is showing new green growth. The bluish leaves are from last year. |
There are two colors of striped irises. |
Many spring bulbs blooming together. |
A golden hop twines its way up a post. |
Delphinium in the back of this bed as well as Sweet William in the front. We grew these from seed last year and they enjoy the heat up against the south wall of Grandma Daisy's trailer. |
Lilies we planted last year are growing and they have little lilies growing up next to them. They have multiplied. Whoohoo! |
Another view of the lilies with their little babies. Daisies in the background. |
This is slug damage on a new lily we planted this spring. |
Another peony bud. |
Sometimes peony buds will have ants. They usually aren't a problem. |
These first 4 little peonies (greenish-red growth) were in a gallon pot for several years and had grown through into the ground all around. Florencio dug it up and divided it into four plants. |
One of the many blooming daffodils at the farm. |
The main field at the farm has been plowed by our nephew Andrew. He keeps our equipment operating, too. Thanks Andrew. |
The first greenhouse cucumber is ready and she loves them. |
A bite from the end, then one from the side. Of course! |
"See Aunt Lorrie?" |
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