Buckets of beautiful freshly picked flowers await the bouquet part of the day. Roses, dahlias, calla lilies and golden yarrow. |
More buckets. Zinnias and snapdragons. |
One of our new additions to the flower garden, amaranth or Love Lies Bleeding. |
A few of the first sunflowers. |
Zinnias. |
More Zinnias. |
One of the first lilies to bloom. Newly planted this year, it is hard to expect too much. But this one is gorgeous! |
A yellow plum tree produced quite a few delicious plums this year. Last year, about 4. Nature's ornaments. |
A cart full of Baby's Breath, goldenrod drooping over and orange Cape Fuchsia. |
"Oh, you left these extra berries in the box for me, right?" |
A Sun Sugar cherry tomato, a Marionberry and a HUGE blueberry. |
Grams with the blueberry in her hand. You agree, right? It is huge! |
The little cherubs brought over a lady bug to show me. We enjoy our bugs here at The Farm (well most bugs). |
Florencio pulled and washed the beets. |
He got a little bit wet, or maybe a lot. It was really warm/hot. |
Beans are starting to bloom. Each bloom will hopefully become a bean. |
Today's veggie, kalamata olive and pasta salad. I could eat this three times a day. :) Thanks Anna! |
And then there were zucchini boats. Delicious and better for you than pizza. These tasted great. |
And then there was dessert. Chocolate chip, zucchini and oatmeal cookies. Oh la la. :) |
The colorful sweet peppers. Yes, these are all mild! |
My friend, Erin, came out to help pick today. Thanks Erin! |
Here is Faith (she called my grandmother Daisy, "Aunt Daisy" so is she a cousin???) and her significant other, Bill. They help out most Tuesdays. |
The girls are trying to get the lid off the coffee syrup Lisa's makes for our iced lattes. And they are so refreshing on these warm/hot days. |
Brea brings out the frozen fresh fruit and yogurt pops that Anna has made. (Brea is a Math teacher.) |
I looked up from lunch in the shade and this was my view toward the orchard. Wow. |
Fresh fruit yogurt pops, yum! |
My friend Jamie is on the left side of the photo in purple. She has been helping pick since school ended. She is a high school health teacher and we used to coach softball together for 7 years. Her daughter, in pink with polka dots, was with her today. |
Beautiful green onions. |
Mary (my mother in law) counts out the best lemon cucs to go into the boxes. |
Tasty blueberries. |
Alex bundling kale. |
Chili peppers in the field. |
A few tiny peppers on this plant. |
A few of each of the 7 different kinds of cherry tomatoes. Pretty aren't they? A handful of peppers underneath. Both are just starting. |
The bed of alliums. |
Orange crocosmia are dainty on top. They are paired with lime green centered sunflowers and orange zinnias. |
Most Tuesdays Anna's oldest makes a bouquet if there are left over flowers in the buckets. Here is her creation for today. I really like it! |
The purple coneflower and Rudbeckia are thriving. |
A butterfly snacking. |
Wow. Two different kinds of Black-eyed Susans. I love this mass of flowers. |
The view from the field back toward the potting shed. Our perennial bed sure likes all the sunshine. |
Red and dark pink coneflower. Not just purple anymore. |
The first lilies are starting to show color and open. Do you see the 4 green buds? One other one is showing the light pink it will be. |
A neighboring lily is closer to opening. They are very healthy! |
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