Contact us

We practice sustainability at the farm. Crop rotation, use of drip irrigation and re-using the flower water each week are some of the ways we are being kind to the earth.

We have two harvest boxes available for this coming 2019 season as of May 19th. If interested please email Lorrie at and leave me a note. I will send you information. 18 weeks of fresh produce, herbs, berries and tree fruits when they are in season along with a weekly bouquet of beautiful flowers for $500.
We do have just flower subscriptions available.
A Full Flower Share is 18 weeks of gorgeous bouquets for $230 or a Half Share, every other week for a total of 9 weeks of flowers for $115.
Please email Lorrie at if you are interested.

Pick up would be on Tuesdays between 4:00 - 6:00 pm at Shady Maple Farm, 8005 Portland Rd. N.E. Salem, Oregon. Our season lasts from May 28 to September 24, 2019.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Week 6 Guest Photographer Larry, Greek photos, too

Bryan, Angie, Alex and I (Lorrie) are on a family trip to Europe visiting Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Iceland. I have asked a friend of ours to come and take photos while we are gone. He takes amazing photos and has consented to help us out. Please feel free to visit his website to visit his photographs, Here are his photographs of the farm while the four of us are in Greece this Tuesday.

Alison and Erin bringing in the yellow zucchini harvest. The mint field to the north is getting a needed soaking.

Grapes are putting on size while in the shade.

Anna, Grams and Florencio work to fill the boxes.

The yellow and orange marigolds remind us where the different varieties of summer squash change in their plantings. They also help bring in beneficial bugs and confuse "bad bugs". To the right are our zinnia rows and sunflower rows.

Levi has worked hard today and is capitalizing on nap time.

Friends and family help out while the 4 of us are vacationing. My friend of many years, Sheri who teaches at North Salem High School and who got our daughter hooked on culinary arts, counts out summer squash. Our daughter now teaches culinary arts, too. My sister in law in blue, Denise, has helped out before and this time brought her sister Sue to help and are counting out rhubarb. Thanks guys!

Enough people are stepping up and helping that Lisa gets to sit and have a sip of coffee for a minute with her side kick, Cody. I love this photo of my sister!

Many hands helping out today behind the tall yarrow.

Beautiful roses await their vases and individual bouquet locations.

Anna cuddles Louise and discusses with Florencio.

Asian pears bask in the sun.

Larry captures the Flower House with the herb pots setting around the edges.

Break time with Sheila, Anna's family's Australian Shepard. 

Rampicante squash may be eaten while the color green or in the fall when it becomes tan and will store.

Florencio has dug and washed the beets. They are large!

Lovely lilies.

Erin and Alison checking to make sure they haven't missed anything.
Another helper brings in the slicing cucumbers. Love her grin :)

"Orange you Sweet" peppers start in this row right after this beautiful Tall Orange Garland marigold.

Erin and Alison always wear their hats. They are picking lemon cucumbers here with the beautiful zinnias and sunflowers behind them. The mint field's sprinklers look cool. I love this picture. Do you see Anna behind the sunflowers? She might be picking broccoli.
The beginnings of today's box.

Cherubs playing on the potting soil pile. Looks like it might be follow the leader.
Dahlias, roses and sweet peas grow behind them.

These raised beds are thriving. Front to back, golden sage, Black eyed Susans, purple coneflowers, light pink yarrow, very tall lilies.

Rosa and her cherubs help out in the background, Grams fills bags and then puts them in the boxes. Gooooo Grams!

Pretty summer squash. The round yellow zucchinis are new to us this year. Did you like them?

A purple morning glory twines around and through our orange Crocosmia.

Celery soaks in a tub of cool water.

A couple buckets of lemon cucumbers.

My niece, Cierra and her fiance, Raymond, drove down from Tacoma, Washington to help out today. They are helping Grams sort by the green chair. All hands on deck to help out today. Even the dog needs her petting. 

Lemon cucs up close and personal. The little black "pokies" can be brushed off before eating them.

Broccoli sprouts are so tender. Here they are soaking in cool water, also.

On this day we were in Greece on a bus ride across the country from Athens to Olympia. Here are a few photos of the countryside and Olympia, Greece the next morning.

They also use black plastic mulch under their plants in this field. In the background are many plastic covered greenhouses.

Hoop houses have squash under plastic even though it is plenty warm here. The two story building is a common sight. Business on the ground floor, business owners live on the top floor.

Their pumpkins are already ripe. The bus was moving right along, sorry it isn't a more clear photo.

Our HUGE bus negotiates these streets in a small town in Greece.

At a stop light I notice this pallet table with benches. A pretty church in the background.

Hoop houses, so many hoop houses. I wonder what they are growing in these? 

Photo out the front window of our bus. The trees along the street are probably lemons, oranges or grapefruit. Our bus' mirrors brushed up against any trees slightly hanging over into the street. I'm glad I'm not driving. Whew!

An orange tree and a traffic light. These oranges look so juicy!

Through the window of the bus (shimmery rainbow colors of the glass showing up) olive groves grow pretty much everywhere.

More silvery olive trees. These appear to be younger as they are smaller.

Tall, spindly cypress trees as well as olive trees among the houses.

At our Olympia, Greece hotel, this corner flower bed has very tall sunflowers.

Around the pool are many trees. This is a quince tree.

A cute olive tree.

A shiny grapefruit tree. These grapefruit seem so big for this little tree.

From our room looking down on the olive grove where dinner will be served among the trees. I am looking forward to this Greek experience.

The valley below our hotel. 

Sunset from our dinner table in the olive grove. Wow.

Our hotel price included a breakfast buffet. This is just the "fruit table". 

Our table after we all visited the breakfast buffet. The far left bowl is filled with authentic home made Greek yogurt drizzled with local honey. And they had true Greek coffee. Apparently I can't carry it without sloshing over the sides.
After our breakfast we walked down the hill to visit the original site of the Ancient Olympics. 
Alex, Bryan, and Angie (Angie is closest) are walking through the entrance to the original stadium. In 776 BC the athletes entered through this exact place. It is about 8:30 am and already very hot and humid.

Angie standing on the original marble start line. At the far end there is a marble finish line also. So many world events have occurred since the first Olympics. Goose bumps for Lorrie...

Bryan and Alex raced to the far end. Victory!

Exiting the stadium back out the way we entered and walking by the square stones on the right. There used to be statues here of the "cheaters" who were caught as a reminder to the athletes who passed by them. They were a reminder to the athletes to be honorable. 

Some people caught the horse drawn "cab" to avoid walking in the heat.

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